Tuesday, September 29, 2020

A Stolen Beach Day


How will the boys return get revenge for having their masculinity besmirched? Who knows—I do, and I also know that their revenges will be published tomorrow, though if you would like to speculate feel free to comment. Maybe you'll inspire an alternative ending and score some bonus captions! ~ <3 GG

PS, I've upgraded from MS 3d paint to Gimp, hopefully this has improved the quality. It certainly makes it easier to cap, I had a great one but lost all the text because I did a dumb. Blame Microsoft.

Monday, September 28, 2020

More Role Exchanger Shenanigans

These are my favorite caps yet, especially Denise's cap. I'll probably be making longer caps from now on.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

The Role Exchanger's Rampage continues

 The Role Exchanger hasn't finished yet! I'm not even sure when the RE will move on, stay posted though, more is on the way! <3 GG

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Role Exchanger Comes to School Continued

 Here we see more victims of the RE, fortunately for both of them they walk away with a new life that they enjoy, though Jim may only be doing so because he got hammered with big mental changes.

The Role Exchanger Comes to School


Welcome to my blog, I'm GG! I intend to captions semi frequently, the more views I get the more I'll be likely to make more. I have a handful more of captions ready to be posted, so stay posted for the next few days, because there WILL be more! Thanks ~ <3 GG

A Stolen Beach Day Continued

 Here we have the conclusion to A Stolen Beach Day, these lads had their fun, and struck back at their sisters perhaps a little too vehement...